MilleUna for Quixe by Leonardo Boselli

"Release for web with the Quixe interpreter."

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MilleUna for Quixe by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"Release for web with the Quixe interpreter."

FOR-WEB is a truth state that varies. FOR-WEB is true.

Chapter - Multimedia

Section - Images

The default figure format ext is an indexed text that varies. The default figure format ext is "png".

To decide which text is the name of (FIG - a figure name):
   let FILENAME be the substituted form of "[FIG]";
   if FILENAME matches the regular expression "^Figure of (.+)":
     now FILENAME is "[text matching subexpression 1].[default figure format ext]";
   decide on FILENAME;

To say show (FIG - a figure name):
   show FIG.
To show (FIG - a figure name):
   let OUT be the name of FIG;
   now OUT is the substituted form of "<img src='Figures/[OUT]' align='left' />";
   say "[OUT][run paragraph on]";

Section - Sounds

To decide which text is the name of (SND - a sound name):
   let FILENAME be the substituted form of "[SND]";
   if FILENAME matches the regular expression "^Sound of (.+)":
     decide on text matching subexpression 1;
   decide on FILENAME;

To say play-back (SND - a sound name):
   play-back SND.
To play-back (SND - a sound name):
   let OUT be the name of SND;
   say "{playsound('[OUT]');}";;
   say "[run paragraph on]".
To say play-fore (SND - a sound name):
   play-fore SND.
To play-fore (SND - a sound name):
   say play-back SND;

MilleUna for Quixe ends here.