MilleUna for Quixe by Leonardo Boselli begins here. "Release for web with the Quixe interpreter." FOR-WEB is a truth state that varies. FOR-WEB is true. Chapter - Multimedia Section - Images The default figure format ext is an indexed text that varies. The default figure format ext is "png". To decide which text is the name of (FIG - a figure name): let FILENAME be the substituted form of "[FIG]"; if FILENAME matches the regular expression "^Figure of (.+)": now FILENAME is "[text matching subexpression 1].[default figure format ext]"; decide on FILENAME; To say show (FIG - a figure name): show FIG. To show (FIG - a figure name): let OUT be the name of FIG; now OUT is the substituted form of "<img src='Figures/[OUT]' align='left' />"; say "[OUT][run paragraph on]"; Section - Sounds To decide which text is the name of (SND - a sound name): let FILENAME be the substituted form of "[SND]"; if FILENAME matches the regular expression "^Sound of (.+)": decide on text matching subexpression 1; decide on FILENAME; To say play-back (SND - a sound name): play-back SND. To play-back (SND - a sound name): let OUT be the name of SND; say "{playsound('[OUT]');}";; say "[run paragraph on]". To say play-fore (SND - a sound name): play-fore SND. To play-fore (SND - a sound name): say play-back SND; MilleUna for Quixe ends here.